Align & Flow

Align & Flow with Kelly | Forward Folds to Handstand | 60 minute

Align & Flow with Kelly | Closed Twists | 60 minute

Align & Flow with Kelly | Bird of Paradise | 60 minute

Align & Flow with Kelly | Twist to Updog | 60 minute

Align & Flow with Kelly | Down Dog | 60 minute

Align and Flow with Kelly |Flip your Dog | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Triangle to Ekapadakoundinyasana 2 | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Warrior 2 to Ekapadakoundinyasana | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Tadasana to Standing Backarch | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Balance on one leg | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Handstand | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Pulse | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Core in service of backbends | 60 mins

Align & Flow with Kelly | Forward Bend Flow | 60 minute

Align and Flow with Kelly | Boat Pose | 60 mins

Align & Flow with Kelly | Side Crow Flow | 60 minute

Align with Kelly | Side Crow | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Chair pose and Chatarunga | 60 mins

Align and Flow- Full Spectrum Crow

Align and Flow with Kelly | Transitions | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Twists | 60 mins

Align and Flow With Kelly | Full Wheel | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Standing Balances poses | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Full Spectrum | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Pincha Mayurasana | 60 mins

Align and Flow with Kelly | Hips and Glutes | 60 mins

Level 2-3 Align and Flow with Kelly | Vashistasana | 60 mins

Align & Flow with Kelly | Backbends | 60 mins

Align & Flow with Kelly | Standing Poses | 60 mins

Align & Flow with Kelly | Potpourri | 60 mins

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sign up for our compassionate communications series
April 30, 2022

We are so saddened by the situation that is going on in the world right now. We are trying to help and support as much as we can. We will resume our regular schedule April 30 with a fresh and positive attitude for life, love. and compassion towards each other. Namaste!

Ndryshoni gjuhën :