Vimeo Videos

Align With Kelly | Backbends | 60 mins

Use the strength of the legs and core to open the heart in a 60 minutes alignment class with poses like crescent warrior, dhanurasana (bow) and camel pose. 05172020

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon) Pose Tutorial

A 12-minute tutorial on ardha chandrasana (half moon pose) and its alignment. Includes modifications and two entries into the pose; one entry from the back of the mat with a block and one from triangle pose.

Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Tutorial

A 4 minute tutorial on modifications and variations of eagle pose (Garudasana) as well as a demonstration of the 2 versions of the pose.

Align with Kelly | Standing Poses | 60 mins

This 60 minute alignment class will take you through basic standing poses such as triangle pose (Trikonasana) and Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 3). Check out the 6 new tutorials that go with this class to get more modifications and alignment. 05102020

Align & Flow with Kelly | Standing Poses | 60 mins

Join Kelly in a 60 minute Level 1/2 align and flow class weaving alignment and breath-based movement to explore a range of standing poses such as Ardha Chandrasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose). 05122020

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