Daily Cup Of Yoga

Evening Cup of Yoga with Eva | Spine health | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Marichyasana | 25 mins

Daily Cup of Yoga with Eva | Vasisthasana | 15 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga with Eva | Chest over | 15 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga with Eva | Adho Mukha Svanasana Energy | 15 mins

Daily Cup of Yoga with Eva | Adho Mukha Svanasana Energy | 15 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | Peaceful Joy | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Vrksasana | 18 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | Peaceful Trikonasana | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Trikonasana for Eka Pada Koundinyasana | 18 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | Calm and Relax | 10 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Warriors Energy | 16 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | Tadasana Calmness | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Tadasana | 18 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | Hips and shoulders | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Standing Strong | 18 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | Chilling on the floor | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Handstands | 18 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | For Insomnia | 13 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga | Selflove fully | 15 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | windshield wiper | 10 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga | Core | 15 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga with Eva | Get cozy | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Start your day with downdog warrior | 25 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga | After a busy day | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga | Danser Pose | 15 mins

Evening Cup of Yoga with Eva | Unwind | 15 mins

Morning Cup of Yoga with Eva | Strong Legs | 15 mins

Turkish Get ups

Evening Cup of Yoga with Eva | End of the day relaxation | 15 mins

Daily Cup of Yoga | Energizing the legs | 15 mins

Evening cup of yoga | Ready for bed? | 15 minutes

Morning Cup of Yoga | Saluting the Sun | 10 mins

Ujjayi Breath – June 12

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April 30, 2022

We are so saddened by the situation that is going on in the world right now. We are trying to help and support as much as we can. We will resume our regular schedule April 30 with a fresh and positive attitude for life, love. and compassion towards each other. Namaste!

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