Anusara-Inspired with Kelly | Cultivate Patience | 60 mins
A full spectrum “greatest hits” to cultivate patience in the mundane and in the challenging. A focus on muscular energy and hugging skin to muscle, muscle to bone.
Anusara-Inspired with Kelly | A gentle crow pose | 60 mins
Cultivate gentleness towards yourself while working into bakasana or crow pose. Challenge your physical practice, but soften your edges, while you open to Grace.
Anusara-Inspired with Kelly | One-legged King Pigeon | 60 mins
Celebrate your achievements! This is a challenging peak pose sequence gives steps to ekapada rajakapotasana (one legged full pigeon). With steps along the way to celebrate wherever you are at in your practice, this sequence will bring balanced action to a challenging pose.
Anusara-Inspired with Kelly | Mindful Action| 60 mins
Introducing the third of the 3 A’s — Action. Bring mindful action into the hamstrings to hold the holistic experience of mindful movement while focusing in a specific component of the pose.
Anusara-Inspired with Kelly | Alignment for Awareness | 60 mins
Practice alignment to enhance your awareness. Part 2 of the 3 A’s of Anusara. Work side plank to backbend variations in this all-levels class.
Anusara-Inspired with Kelly | Integrity in the Foundation | 60 mins
Set the foundation with integrity as you come to this full-spectrum practice with a brief intro to the 3 A’s of Anusara yoga. 11120