Align with Kelly | Bharadvajasana and a spotlight on the pelvis | 60 minutes
Use Bharadvajasana twist as a way to increase awareness of pelvic positions in standing poses. Expect twists, side stretches and strong leg work along the way.
Use Bharadvajasana twist as a way to increase awareness of pelvic positions in standing poses. Expect twists, side stretches and strong leg work along the way.
A handstand align and flow that is a bit on the the align side. Get the core working in poses like navasana, handstand pikedowns and paschimottanasana.
This flow uses the stages of vasistansana to help find balance in bird of paradise. This is another big practice with stages designed to help you work on aspects of the pose, even if the full pose isn’t accessible yet.
Use vashistasana to inform the stages of bird of paradise. This strong practice will help you gain control of full vashistasana and bird of paradise with step by step options. Come ready to practice at your level!
Strengthen and open your hips while lengthening your spine in tree pose. Cultivated a rooted base to be able to reach for the sky.
Practice alignment to enhance your awareness. Part 2 of the 3 A’s of Anusara. Work side plank to backbend variations in this all-levels class.
Align the legs, torso, arms and neck in triangle pose. This foundational pose is often offered in most yoga classes. This class breaks it down so that trikonasana is more readily accessible. Expect strong leg and core work.
Use similar shapes related to triangle to inform a challenging arm balance. Strengthen and stretch your hamstrings, open your hips and power up your arms. 110120
Set the foundation with integrity as you come to this full-spectrum practice with a brief intro to the 3 A’s of Anusara yoga. 11120
A little handstand alignment so that handstand flow is more accessible. Learn the switch kick, the tiff kick, and cartwheel at the wall as intermediate handstand steps to get you up to the wall or help get you away from the wall.