Align and Flow with Kelly | Pulse | 60 mins
Connect with the pulsation of your breath that connects you to something greater. A full spectrum practice that includes core work in service of handstands and much more. 092930
Connect with the pulsation of your breath that connects you to something greater. A full spectrum practice that includes core work in service of handstands and much more. 092930
Strengthen to lengthen! This class uses a strength-based approach to stretching the hamstrings using forward bends. Includes standing forward folds, handstands and seated forward folds. 09132020
A gentle yoga class starting with core and shoulder work. The forward bends in standing and sitting poses follow. Closing with some relaxing poses and a calming meditation. 09122020
Build strength in backbends with the not so glamorous but very effective belly down backbend poses. These poses work to stabilize the spine while working to open the shoulders and upper back. 09062020
Gentle Yoga class with backbends for gently opening your heart with a relaxing meditation. 09052020
Break down side crow (parsva bakasana) to gain more pose knowledge, engage more, and put it back together with more power. 09022020
Legs to full-body stretching with various forward bends closing with one-sided malasana. 07232020
A full-body stretch through lunges and triangles. 07192020
Practice with the intention of self-love and compassion with one of my poetries to start the meditation. 07182020
Work with chatarunga, cobra and updog in an align and flow focus on transitions. 07142020