Mobility for Athletes | Chest, legs and wrists | 15 mins
Starting with a supine chest opening followed by all leg mobility. Some wrist stretches and forearm massages. 07092020
Starting with a supine chest opening followed by all leg mobility. Some wrist stretches and forearm massages. 07092020
All around mobility starting with some neck and shoulders comforting. 07022020
Let’s stretch those legs that worked so hard this week. And of course, some shoulder and neck comforting. 06252020
Full-spectrum spine mobility and some leg and shoulder stretch. 06182020
Let’s open the shoulders in all 6 directions of shoulder movements with a chair and sitting on the floor. Eagle Pose for scapula protraction. 06112020
Opening the hips from the strength of glutes and legs. 06042020
Join Eva in this full-body mobility class with an arm balance pose, just for fun. 05282020